The Bottom Line: Why Supporting Perimenopausal Women Is Crucial for Business Success
Menopause, Woman's Health, Coaching Charlotte Shimko Menopause, Woman's Health, Coaching Charlotte Shimko

The Bottom Line: Why Supporting Perimenopausal Women Is Crucial for Business Success

Perimenopause remains a taboo topic in many workplaces, yet its impact on employee productivity and well-being is undeniable. Companies that support perimenopausal women see improved retention, reduced absenteeism, and stronger workplace morale. Learn why investing in menopause-friendly policies is a business advantage.

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My Journey: Perimenopause, From Dismissal to Empowerment
ADHD Life, Menopause, Woman's Health Charlotte Shimko ADHD Life, Menopause, Woman's Health Charlotte Shimko

My Journey: Perimenopause, From Dismissal to Empowerment

Perimenopause symptoms can be confusing and often dismissed. My experience with heavy bleeding, hormonal fluctuations, and ADHD led me to advocate for myself through multiple medical opinions until I finally got answers. Learn how I discovered the link between ADHD, perimenopause, and adenomyosis—and how you can advocate for yourself too.

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