Did You Know? ADHD and Menopause Are Connected
ADHD Life, Menopause Charlotte Shimko ADHD Life, Menopause Charlotte Shimko

Did You Know? ADHD and Menopause Are Connected

Menopause doesn’t just bring hot flashes and sleep disturbances—it can also make ADHD symptoms worse. Estrogen plays a key role in dopamine regulation, which impacts focus, memory, and emotional regulation. As hormone levels fluctuate during perimenopause and menopause, many women with ADHD experience worsening brain fog, emotional sensitivity, and executive dysfunction. The good news? Understanding the connection between ADHD and menopause can help you develop strategies to regain focus, manage emotions, and thrive in midlife.

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My Journey: Perimenopause, From Dismissal to Empowerment
ADHD Life, Menopause, Woman's Health Charlotte Shimko ADHD Life, Menopause, Woman's Health Charlotte Shimko

My Journey: Perimenopause, From Dismissal to Empowerment

Perimenopause symptoms can be confusing and often dismissed. My experience with heavy bleeding, hormonal fluctuations, and ADHD led me to advocate for myself through multiple medical opinions until I finally got answers. Learn how I discovered the link between ADHD, perimenopause, and adenomyosis—and how you can advocate for yourself too.

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